
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jack Jack's Blessing

First of all I want to say how much I hate that Blogger's picture loader thing loads all of my pictures in the opposite order that I loaded them! Sorry my pictures are going to be in the wrong order this time cuz I really don't care today....

We did a quick (one day) trip to Utah for Jack's blessing 2 weeks ago.

The whole family (minus my brother Grant cuz hes in mexico)

My sister says Jack likes me a lot but I think she just says that to be nice. He did sleep well for me though!

The cute little family...

Baby Jack was exhausted from being the center of attention all day! This is also the best picture of his cute outfit my sister put together- She made the Bow tie!

Gotta LOVE the Chucks!

One eyed Jack! man this kid is cute!

And of course its not a complete Payzant party if you don't have lots of yummy food!