
Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Make Hats!

SO I'm a little biased towards baby boys. I was a tomboy growing up and I baby sat two boys all the time when I was a teenager (they were like my kids). Sorry I would much prefer playing with trucks in the dirt then play dress up- so shoot me. And since most of my friends and family have been having baby's I keep hearing the same complaint- "its SO hard to find cute clothes for my boy!" This always get me all hot and bothered because I feel like baby boys get totally neglected in the fashion world just because they can't be covered in disgusting amounts of ribbon and beads and ruffles.

SO. I am on a one man mission to change that! My dream is to one day design a whole clothing line for just baby boys but for today I just make hats =)

I make those flat top skater style hats for babies. If you would like me to make a different type of hat I bet I could figure it out, just send me a picture.

Jack is a great model... optional button/tab on the side

A plan hat is $15
A hat with a tab on the side is $17
If you want a different color than this the price might be a little more because of fabric cost.
To order email me at


steph said...

Oh my gosh! Those hats are so cute! I've been trying to look for some good baby boy hats... I think I will have to take you up on the offer! I will be needing a good hat for our jack since the cold is creepin in.

Oh yeah and btw, I saw on your other post that you were frustrated by blogger's photo uploader... if you go to your dashboard, there should be a thing at the top that says " Make Blogger in Draft my default dashboard" . Check the box next to it then go to "new post" and there will be a better uploader where you can choose the photo order.


Dawn said...

holy freakin' cute!!!
when i get money i totally want you to make one for me :)

Jessica :) said...

Cute hats! You are so talented! :) I agree that it seems silly that people talk about not being able to find cute boy things. I don't think that they aren't cute, but I do think there is less quantity. There are always more girl things in the store!