
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This ain't my first rodeo!.... wait

I went to my first rodeo EVER!! I have been wanting to since I moved to the "Gem" state but summer after summer it never got checked off. This year Jesse promised me we would finally go. We went to Mudd Lake's (yes that is the real name of the city) Rodeo. Jess's family lives out there and I was told it is one of the better ones. I loved it! I just felt bad for the baby cow's who got their neck's pulled =( all I have to say- Its a good thing PETA wasn't around!

in the stands...

gosh don't I have a cute husband!!

My brother-in law Nate sat with us for a while... and yes Lyndsey- I AM making that face!! Nate has grown up in Mudd Lake his whole life around farms and farm animals- honestly I think he thinks I am crazy sometimes cuz I just want to pet anything with fur and I feel bad when the animals get hurt. I'm a city girl people....


lyndsey said...

LOL!. it's okay. your duck face is super cute :)

Jessica :) said...

I am still so jealous of you! I used to go to rodeos all the time but haven't gone to one for years - about since I've moved away from home. I keep wondering if Livie is old enough to take out to one but haven't decided. Glad you enjoyed your first rodeo ever {even if you do think there is some animal cruelty involved!} ;)