
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer fun

so usually the second I get any free time I start feeling guilty about not updating the not-interested universe on my life here on my blog. I stress out about, worry about it, make resolutions to not forget my camera everywhere I go, or to be more diligent about documenting my life better. NOT TODAY!!! after we moved I fell back into this mood again but finally came to a conclusion.... I don't care! I'm out enjoying my summer right now, if I take pictures I'll show you, if I get around to blogging, you'll see.

I do think I should update you on some things though....

I graduated! wahoo! From Brigham Young University Idaho with a Bachelors in Graphic Design.
I got a promotion at work- I am now in charge of all of my small company's graphic design and marketing materials AND I am now managing a different apartment complex. which means...
We MOVED! Our apartment is a total upgrade! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, wash & dryer, my couch fits in my living room and my office is NOT in my living room. small pleasures....
And we are trying to fit in fun things this summer between work and life.

It hasn't really sunken in that I have graduated. I think it will when I see all of the sad bundled up college students walking to school in the snow and ice from my window of my apartment while I drink hot coco in my PJs at 7 in the morning ;) I am however trying to get used to this feeling of freedom. It is such an odd sensation to not have some major project looming over head, or to not feel guilty when I go on a date with my husband cuz I know I should be home studying. I LOVE that when I'm done with work- I'm DONE WITH WORK!! I don't have to take any homework home or anything. I guess I'm trying to say that I am trying to get used to having a life! lol I have free time to sew, and go swimming, and snuggle with my husband! its great.

Other than that we're boring. we are going to california in like 5 days! maybe i'll take my camera along.... maybe not


lyndsey said...

you are so cute. i laughed at this post three funny. yay for all your new things and yay for anti-blogging :)

and why does oaklee get a whole blog post but not jacko? :(

Jessica :) said...

Oh gosh, for some reason I thought you had already gone to Cali. Not sure why I thought you were going in early August. I make things up in my head sometimes.
Congrats on the promotion!! I didn't know for sure if you got it but I'm so excited for you that it came through!! Woohoo! And I'm so glad you like your new apartment. I hope you like managing that complex! We're gonna have to get together sometime.

Alyssa said...

what! i want to go to Cali. i get to go for thanksgiving and its not coming soon enough.

yay i cant wait to see your new apartment!

and you still wanted me to take photos of you guys when i get back right???