
Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm an AUNT!....AGAIN!

I have the best niece and nephew on the planet- Journey and Kage. I love them SO much! I'm so glad that I can be an aunt to the two cutest, funniest goof balls ever! And now I get to be an aunt AGAIN!! Jesse's brother Kodi and his wife Rachel had their third kid on 6/11/10 at 1:58pm. Her name is Oaklee and she is adorable! she was born about 4 weeks early but was in pretty good shape! She just had a little trouble breathing and holding her body temperature so they kept her in the NICU for a few days. She is home now and doing great! I'm so excited to see her grow up and be her the best Aunt I can be to her too!

When I first got to see her and hold her in the NICU


Linda said...

Cute! Cute!!