
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Despicable Me

So this movie has been intriguing me all summer. the marketing has been very vague which always gets me excited because I feel like when you see a preview for a bad movie you see the whole movie with all of the clips they show. So this had to be good! It got great reviews, and my mom said she laughed so hard she cried when she saw it, but I still had no idea what it was about! So Jesse treated me to a wednesday night date to see it. I LOVED IT! Not only was is funny and cute but it had a good message too! I think I might buy it on DVD and I NEVER do that! If you haven't seen it yet I would recommend it.


Linda said...

Looks like our conversation yesterday motiviated you to blog! :-) ha ha. My husband has been wanting to see this movie, but I have been a little hesitant. Looks like I need to go see it after all. Thanks for the suggestion!