
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kage's Birthdays

ok ok I think my subconscious kicked in after my ranting earlier on how I'm not going to worry about blogging anymore... because I keep finding my camera when I want to take a picture and I keep having spare time to blog- 2 things that NEVER happen. lucky you!

Kage (my adorable nephew) turned THREE this past friday! To celebrate Jesse and I took Journee and Kage to the Zoo in Idaho Falls on thursday! It was SO fun! The Zoo was cute and small but I was impressed at some of the animals they had- 2 HUGE lions for instance. We got to pet and feed goats- which was my favorite part- Journee was honestly giggling her brains out and Kage couldn't figure out if he was afraid of them or if he liked them too. I did however forget my camera on this trip but I borrowed Rachel's camera so hopefully she will post some pix ;)

The next day we were back in Idaho Falls for Kage's family birthday party. He got a mountain of gifts- including a baseball tee, a bat, and wiffle balls- which I think was his favorite! Happy birthday Kage!

ok he doesn't look very excited in this picture but I think we did a good job on his gift this year! after the Zoo trip we let the kids play around in the gift shop and watch what Kage would play with- then Jesse took them out to the car while I bought this cool thing. its like a gun but the top is a head of an alligator and when you pull the trigger it opens and closes his mouth- WAY COOL! Kage seemed pretty happy with it.

Rachel is SO good at making birthday cakes! She makes these super cute creative ones every year for the kids and I am always so amazed!

Kage is OBSESSED with Football! so of course she had to make a football cake. SO cute!

My favorite buddy and I making goofy faces....