
Saturday, August 21, 2010

SUPER Saturday

We have had quite a day today! I worked in the morning but later in the day Jesse took me all over the place! First he took me to the County Fair! I had never really been to a fair before so it was fun and of course my FAVORITE part was..... PETTING ANIMALS!!!

I got to pet a BABY COW!!! I LOVED IT!! SO cute! It was for sale too cuz its mom died and it has to be bottle fed- Jesse wouldn't let me take it home though =( jk.

After the fair Jesse took me to the 2nd Annual Early Iron car show in Riby! It was SO cool! I've changed alot over the years but I still have some tomboy! I loved seeing all of the old cars!

One of Jesse's favorites! He loves that color orange- Yuck! no thanks!

I'm a classic girl! My favorite- give me a 60's mustang any day! This one was a classy color too!


Linda said...

You should go to the Blackfoot fair. It is just a little over an hour away and it is a great fair. Tons of animals, shows, yummy food, and exhibits (even photography ones that are amazing). It is the second week in September. Let me know if you want more info!

The Griffin Crew said...

Sounds like a fun day love the Mustang!!