
Monday, April 26, 2010

A new addition to the family!!

Meet my BabyYes I know most people's babys are....well... human but this is mine and I love him for who he is! ;) We name our cars and have decided his name will be Gary (like on sponge bob). We bought him on Tax day! I can't tell you how happy I am to FINALLY HAVE A CAR!!!! Jesse get to keep Sally (our Nissan Sentra)- Gary is all mine!


Atryell said...

cute! I like it! I am so glad you guys name your cars! I love naming my cars it just gives them personality!

The Griffin Crew said...

What a great car I love the name!! Don't you worry even though I have kids I still have my baby the jetta and her name is susan!

Alyssa said...

hey! hey it's like my Lupe. only not a Nissan :)

Teranne said...

Congrats!!! A car to call yours - so liberating! And 2 boys in your life - try to find the balance ;) YAY!