
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jessica Harwood's Baby Shower

So here I am again catching up on my blogging...... I know- shame, shame

about a month ago now my friend Carlee Francis called me up and asked if i wanted to help out with a baby shower for our good friend Jessica Harwood and of course i said yes! It was my first baby shower I've ever helped put on and I think it turned out pretty dang good!

No this isn't what you think it is- its a melted snickers bar! We played that game where you have to identify what melted candy bar is in different dipers.

Little Nathan McDonald was my little buddy during the shower =) This kid cracks me up!

getting into the spread

I made bacon, ham, and sausage quiche for the brunch- not too bad for my first time making quiche too!

The gifts! I made a mobile for the crib- I'm still pretty proud of myself, it was WAY cute! I got the idea from a gift someone made my sister. I was really dumb though and didn't take a picture of it!!! you can kind of see the hanging balls though on the window.


Jessica :) said...

The picture of that diaper is so gross!! It looks so much like the real thing. :P I'm glad you took some pics and posted them. I completely forgot to take any pics with my camera or to have anyone else do it so I'm glad to see that someone did! It was such a fun time! I loved it! {BTW - I'd still really love the recipe for that quiche . . . and those cupcakes! :D}

Familia CedeƱo said...

I want the recipes too please! The food was so yummy, you did such a great job! :)