
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Nephew Is Cuter Than Yours

So I was feeling adventurous a few weeks ago and drove down to the Beehive state by myself to visit my awesome sister and my adorable nephew Jack! We decided to make a hat as part of Jacks halloween costume while I was there... I'll let Lyndsey tell the world what he is going to be. anyway..... we made it from scratch, cuz we're cool like that, and it took a couple of tries but we got it to work. I had my camera handy and I'm SO glad I did! Jack has developed a reputation of making funny faces and I think I got THE BEST EVER! while we tried the hat on him- see for yourself.
1st try... a little too long

Money shot...


lyndsey said...

LOL. seriously. i still laugh when i see these pics. thank you times a million for capturing it on film.

Linda said...

You make such cute things on your sewing machine!! So amazing!! Mom my is buying me a new sewing machine this week (I guess it is a Mother's gift for having a baby) and I'm really excited to get one! So if you are still willing, I'd love to learn how to make the tie onsesies!!