
Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog update!

Welcome to my blog update! If you haven't read the "about" page yet, my name is RacHEL but my husband calls me Hell- hence the reason for the new name. I'm going to use this blog to explain my experiences and thoughts about crafting, design, sewing, fashion, baking and anything else I get into. I hope to have a link soon to my new personal family blog. So stay awhile! Look around! Tell your friends about Musings From Hell- And thanks for stopping by!


Jessica :) said...

Haha! I was so confused when "Musings from Hell" popped up in my Google Reader this morning!! Very unique, Rach! And I gotta say that I really love your header. Very cute and the photo of you is beautiful! I'm looking forward to readings your musings! ;)