
Monday, April 26, 2010


SOooo.... we JUST got back from the great Beehive state AGAIN! My Grandpa turned 90! So lots my extended family was in town to celebrate including my parents! My sister is also moving to Colorado this next week for the summer for her husbands internship with Nestle and this would be the last chance I would get to see her before she has her baby! I LOVED seeing my family! especially my extended family that I see even less often than my immediate! we had some free time Saturday morning so my mom, my sister, and I checked out some delicacies of the Wasatch front

First we checked out the "Corn Wagon Quilt Shop." we mainly stopped here because we knew they sold Amy Butler fabric but look how cute it is! Too bad Idaho doesn't have anything cute like this!

They displayed this sign as you walked in- apparently they have a problem with this in UT cuz all of the other craft stores we went to had a sign just like this- just not as humorous

We also visited the "Sweet Tooth Fairy." It was SO cute! You may remember that I went though a cupcake baking phase about a year and a half ago- if I opened a cupcake bakery this is what I dreamed it would be like! if you can visit it I totally recommend it!

Mom enjoying the cupcake we shared- Raspberry Lemonade- Yum!


Alyssa said...

That sign is AMAZING! i love it :)