
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ice Caves!

Last weekend my old roommate and good friend Amanda Strong came up to visit with her boy friend Matt. It was so fun to see her again and to go do a lot of fun things in the area! Friday night we went to a straw maze and Saturday we went to the ICE CAVES!!! I've been to this cave a few times when I was single (one time I went it was one of Jesse and I's first dates!) and it is way fun! If you are in the Rexburg area I recommend you check it out!
Ssooo..... I don't own any snow pants. Jesse MADE me wear his cuz he didn't want me whining when I got soaking wet and cold in just jeans- what a thoughtful husband! =)

Love my Manda- Panda!

Whoever was the first one to think- "hey lets go down in this giant whole in the desert and go in an ice cave!" ???

My cute husband

The first "hallway"

Looking down into what I like to call "The Lobby"

In "The Lobby"

I like to call this the penguin part =) your supposed to slide on your stomach or back but Manda chose not to.

3 years ago on one of our first dates! (... yes I am wearing the same coat)


lyndsey said...

you guys are so cute. but that cave still looks scary to me :)