Jesse is Offically done with his first internship! For anyone who didn't know, for most of this summer Jesse has been working at Idaho National Labratory (INL) fondly called "the site" in these parts. He has been working on robotic development, and thats about as much as I can explain. It has a bunch of stuff to do with "haptics." Thats about all I've picked up... He really liked the experience and it has helped him come a little closer to knowing what he REALLY wants to do after he graduates. He and all the other interns had to create posters and show all the different things they had been working on. This is Jesse's poster- He is SO cute! He said he tried really hard to use some graphic design principles that I've taught him =)
Now he has decided that he wants to do as many internships as possible before he graduates so that he gets a broad range of experiences so he will know what he wants to do his graduate studies in. It seems like it changes everyday with him, but lately he has been saying how he has discovered that he has a real passion for renewable energys.....he is looking into building his own windmill now! lol I'll keep you posted!
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