
Thursday, April 30, 2009


so one of my design professors was contacted by a Utah paper company not too long ago.  The owners are sick of all the "doom and gloom" that the media is portraying right now. SO my professor has given us our new project to highlight some of the GOOD things going on in the world right now.  My professor is going to take the best projects in the class and present it to the Paper company- if they like what they see they will possible run in it in a REAL NATIONAL CAMPAIGN!!! I'm super excited, I just have one small issue- I have NO IDEA what to do it on! I would love if any of you reading this could give me some suggestions! lat me know if you've heard of any charity or cause that would be good to highlight. I would REALLY appreciate it!!!  



lyndsey said...

hm...happy? malaria nets from ashton kutcher. nice thoughts spreading on twitter. sunshine, rainbows, cloudy days, sunsets, flowers, mountains. mexican food :) family. blogging. american idol. read other people's lists of what make them happy here:

does that help? and what's the paper company? :)

Jessica :) said...

What about something like March for Dimes? They recently had walks all around the country - and I follow a blog of a lady who had premature triplets and they walk every year. I'd be happy to direct you to her and she could help you out that way if you wanted.
And you could look at these links for other inspirations:
I'll be honest - I haven't read any of those stories but they looked encouraging. And I know they've been published - but maybe they'd help give you an idea of what you could do. I'll keep looking too and see if I find anything else interesting. Good luck!

Leisel said...

How about the whole vintage thing that is all the rage right now? Use it as an earth friendly fashion sense. . . Something like that!