
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Design on a Dime

So HGTV has become a recent go-to channel for me. Jesse has been working late this week so in the evenings I've been crafting. When I craft I like to watch TV or a movie but since I have seen all of our movies a million times and our newest Netfix was in the mail I've been stuck with "crap-TV." But then I found a new appreciation for HGTV- now I think I'm in love

One of my favorite shows is Design on a Dime! Its actually something that I could see myself applying in real life (unlike condo hunting in Puerto Vallarta or Paris). I love fashion and style but I love a good deal more. I'm a do-in-yourself-er and a bargain hunter- so of course I would love this show! Every episode the design team has a budget of only $1000 to completely transform a room or part of an apartment. Its AWESOME! My favorite part is when they make their own stuff (which they have to do a lot)- I've been taking a lot of mental notes ;)

So if you are feeling the itch to re-decorate in this bad economy or just need something entertaining to watch- show HGTV some love.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog update!

Welcome to my blog update! If you haven't read the "about" page yet, my name is RacHEL but my husband calls me Hell- hence the reason for the new name. I'm going to use this blog to explain my experiences and thoughts about crafting, design, sewing, fashion, baking and anything else I get into. I hope to have a link soon to my new personal family blog. So stay awhile! Look around! Tell your friends about Musings From Hell- And thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Not Your Grandma's Wallpaper

In my Blogging I came across this website with free desktop wallpaper that I think is just adorable! Mae is an Australian Graphic designer and I LOVE her aesthetic! I would have arranged them in a better way but I'm on my Mac laptop {sans Adobe} so sorry...

Cute Husband

(Maybe I should get a petti-cure if I'm going to keep taking close ups of my fingers... haha)
I'm not a moring person, never have been, probably never will be. And the other morning I was being more snotty then usual, I was being just cranky and short, and my wonderful husband kept trying not to argue with me and say nice things but nothing made me stop being snotty and unhappy. He went into the kitchen to make his breakfast and go to work like he does every morning and I started getting ready for the day in the bathroom. I thought he had left when he surprised me and popped his head in the bathroom- and handed me this- a little flower he made out of a paper towel and simply said "don't be sad honey- its a beautiful day!" gave me a quick kiss and left for work. I almost started crying! I am so lucky to have such a caring, loving husband even when I'm a jerk to him.

Its been trying to snow lately- bleh. I keep waking up to it looking like this but it all melts off during the day. That makes me happy but then I remember it wont be melting off soon! gurr....

{Have you noticed?.......... I'm on a blogging roll! Lets not jinx is!}

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm An Idiot

Do you see that!? Those are BLISTERS! On.... MY...... FINGERS!!! Word to the wise- When your cheap plastic headband starts to melt like water while your hot gluing cute tiger ears to it for your freaking amazing halloween costume- DO NOT use YOUR FINGERS to hold it all together! If you do.... your fingers might end up looking, and feeling (ouch!), like this!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Typography for .... Everbody!

I came across this website yesterday and it got me all giddy inside! It was created by a Typographer turned Lawyer. He explains what Typography is, why its important and other things like that. If you don't understand anything I'm writing about you should probably read the site =)
And for all of the rest of you who love type just about as much as I do- heres another thing I found- Arcus (regular and Italics) for FREE!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ice Caves!

Last weekend my old roommate and good friend Amanda Strong came up to visit with her boy friend Matt. It was so fun to see her again and to go do a lot of fun things in the area! Friday night we went to a straw maze and Saturday we went to the ICE CAVES!!! I've been to this cave a few times when I was single (one time I went it was one of Jesse and I's first dates!) and it is way fun! If you are in the Rexburg area I recommend you check it out!
Ssooo..... I don't own any snow pants. Jesse MADE me wear his cuz he didn't want me whining when I got soaking wet and cold in just jeans- what a thoughtful husband! =)

Love my Manda- Panda!

Whoever was the first one to think- "hey lets go down in this giant whole in the desert and go in an ice cave!" ???

My cute husband

The first "hallway"

Looking down into what I like to call "The Lobby"

In "The Lobby"

I like to call this the penguin part =) your supposed to slide on your stomach or back but Manda chose not to.

3 years ago on one of our first dates! (... yes I am wearing the same coat)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Martha Stewart is my Chuck Norris

Thank YOU Martha Stewart! She is my freaking craft hero! (sans insider trading). So I got this book for my sister because it has at TON of amazing things to make for sewers at any level and its a great reference. I loved it so much that I went back to Barnes and Noble the next day and bought myself a copy! Anyway... I've been meaning to make some covers for my pillows for my couch and decided to try out one of her ideas.

I think they turned out pretty good? don't you?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I was strolling through our neighborhood Walmart the other day and came across this isle. Its kind of hard to see but they placed some overstocked soda and chips across from all of the exercise equipment haha. Not the best product placement in my opinion.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Nephew Is Cuter Than Yours

So I was feeling adventurous a few weeks ago and drove down to the Beehive state by myself to visit my awesome sister and my adorable nephew Jack! We decided to make a hat as part of Jacks halloween costume while I was there... I'll let Lyndsey tell the world what he is going to be. anyway..... we made it from scratch, cuz we're cool like that, and it took a couple of tries but we got it to work. I had my camera handy and I'm SO glad I did! Jack has developed a reputation of making funny faces and I think I got THE BEST EVER! while we tried the hat on him- see for yourself.
1st try... a little too long

Money shot...

I Got Bangs!

(btw i didn't photoshop my eyes.... they look kinda crazy huh?)